Sunday 17 November 2013

Crayon art

 I've wanted to create some crayon art for a long time now. So, during half term, me and a friend went into town, bought a ton of canvas and crayons and made a mess!

Unfortunately, some of the crayons decided not to melt! Even with the hairdryer on full blast. But eventually we managed to create some quite pretty work.

I was inspired as usual by pinterest, if you haven't already got an account, I highly recommend it :)

Friday 8 November 2013

Peter pan collar necklace

Yesterday I finally bought a peter pan necklace! I have wanted one since the trend started a while back and finally saw one that I fell in love with.
It's made of metal and seems good quality. I love the intricate detail - especially the cute little flower in the middle. Plus it was only £6.50 from  mums friends jewerelly business.
The dress is from new look and I think looks great for Christmas paired with the necklace:)
Love Rachel

Sunday 3 November 2013


So, I decided to start a blog. Why? To share some of my thoughts, ideas and random things with the internet world. The name? I'm on o those who appreciates the small things in life. The way in which leaves float in the wind in autumn (possibly my favourite season) is almost magical, and it these simple things that make life great:)
So on here I'm going to post a whole bunch of stuff :) From celebrity fashion, diy to my thoughts. I'm just a teen trying to make a place in this big crazy world and want to live the best life I can.